Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday July 7, 2009

Well, its 8:30 and I'm up and trying to finish the packing. I have no idea how I did this last year! Aaron left for a job in Baird this morning so he won't make it to the airport, so one hard goodbye down, just a couple more to go.
I don't really have much to say this morning. Just getting anxious to get this trip started.
Thanks for following me along! Next post from London!!


  1. Plane left on time, at 3:00 p.m. No trouble with security. Did have a major luggage malfunction right before she left the house, zipper on largest case busted! Dang plastic zippers! Luckily mama was watching out for her and had the backup. Get ready, she's going to rub it in about how cool she is vs how hot we are.lol Enjoy 'our' trip. mama

  2. Kait,
    Have a great time and, if it is cool, enjoy the weather. Try to stay in the moment and enjoy the experience, it is over too quickly and then just a memory, but what a memory!
    Love ya,
    Aunt Nancy

  3. Lots of photos, please. I can wait til you get back if you don't have time to post. Don't suppose you'll be getting anywhere close to a place called Loch Ness. I hear there's a great photo op there.
    debbie jean
