Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hmmm... Packing

Well, it is Wednesday night, and i'm sitting here staring at my open suitcase trying to figure out how to get everything home without it weighing tooooo much, and it isn't working. *SIGH*
I'm really sorry I haven't blogged since Sunday. It has really been a jam packed few days and what little time I have had to myself I've slept, done homework, or worked on this packing puzzle I have going on here.
I'm really really tired. I promise I will clue you in on the last 4 days in London. Phantom of the Opera, Peter Pan, Changing of the guard and Kensington Palace (Where PRincess Diana lived) Just to name a few things we did. i'll post as soon as I get home and i'm not using tooth picks to hold my eyes open.
Thanks for taking my trip with me. I'll be home in about 24 hours!!!!(If all goes well of course!)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday!!! LONDON!

Well it is Sunday night, 10:32 for me, you are all probably taking your Sunday afternoon naps.. or waking up from them.
After a long and exhausting ridiculous train ride from Edinburgh (I really really didn't want to leave) we finally made it to London on Friday afternoon, and to our dorms by 3:00ish. If there was an obstacle to be met, we met it, and everyone wanted to kill each other by the time we had room keys.
Friday night we all went to the BBC Proms concert. They do 45 showings of the same music over a couple weeks time, using different conductors and symphonies, singers, and soloist throughout the weeks. The one we were at was actually broadcast live. It was really interesting to see, but it seemed to get really long after a while, on top of the tired and irritated, we all came to the dorm and shut ourselves away from the world. Sat. morning we got up and had class, I was in a particularly sour mood because by back has been bothering me and then we headed to the British Museum, which is the British equivalent to the Smithsonian (That was totally misspelled) Which was a really bad idea for a Sat. We decided that all of the important museums in the world need to be run by Texans standing around with cattle prods to 'remind' people "DO NOT TOUCH THE OBJECTS"... it was ridiculous. It became very obvious that some cultures don't have the same ideas as we do about precious artifacts. Little kids crawling all over statues from Eqypt and the Easter Islands and their parents just smiling and taking pictures. I blame the British museum people, if you don't want it touched, put a rope around it or something. Heather and i just about had heart attacks a couple times watching people with their hands all marble busts from the Roman period.
We did see some really really interesting egyptian artifacts. Aparently everyone in the world things the egyptians are awesome, because these rooms were packed with people (And all artifacts were securly behind glass walls.. but people were still taking flash photography pictures (which speeds up the deterioration process of inks and fabrics)) Anyway, we left after a couple hours of seeing everything we cared to see (Including the Rosetta stone, which was kind of cool)
I came back to the dorms and went to sleep. Actually I was able to talk to Aaron for almost a full hour, probably the first conversation we have had that I wasn't COMPLTELely exhausted. He cheered me up but I was still exhausted and used the rest of the day to play catch-up on sleep. That night we attempted to go to The Lexington which was supposed to be "Nashville on the Thames" on Sat. nights, but apparently it was really only from 1-4 or something that afternoon, so we didn't stick around their very long.
Today, Heather, Pilar, Park, Megan, and I went to Hampton Court, which is the home to Henry the VII, The king who married 6 times and was the basic reason of the seperation of the Catholic Church from England... the one who decapitated wives for not giving him sons, basically. It was really really interesting. I wish I could have seen more, but with a group like ours, on such a busy day, it was difficult to see everything we wanted. This month has been Henry the VIII month all over London, and theyve been doing reinactments, and today was the last. All throughout the day you had opportunities to see Henry and Catherine Parr get ready for their wedding (His last wedding) You could meet up with her in her chamber to help choose the wedding dress, or go to the wine cellar to help celebrate his 'stag' party, and the wedding, just as it was in real life, was a small private affair no one saw, and then you could meet up with them afterwards to offer your congradulations. It was really a neat thing. I only got to do one step of the whole affair, but it was really nice because they actually acted like you were there during the time the activity was actually going on. They included the crowd, even allowing a couple little girls stand in as bridesmaids, carrying the 'Queens" train. It was an interesting way to learn about some of those things. We stopped in the area of Wimbledon but the girls that went out to the actual Tennis courts found them to be closed today. It isn't nearly as difficult to get around here, because of the Metro system versus having to wait on buses all over Edinburgh.
I'm still enjoying myself, but the exhaustion has definately set in and we are all just ready to get home. Tomorrow is class and tomorrow night I am going to see Phantom of the Opera, and I'm really excited. We also may go see Peter Pan, the theatre version not the disney version, because it is being done in a outdoor theatre. So far, I don't really have any other plans, as usual. I'm just kind of taking the trip as it goes! We will be home about 9:50 Thursday night Tx Time, which will feel like 3:00am for us! YAY! I'm ready to get home and see the cats and Boss (Aaron but me on speaker phone the other day and I talked to Boss and he went nuts jumping all around and licking the phone... HE MISSES ME!! :)) but I'm not ready for the Texas heat!
Have a good couple of days.. I haven't been blogging as frequently, because I'm exhausted before I make it to the computer!!!
I"ll keep you updated! - Kait

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday and Thursday!!

Oh goodness, my last night in Scotland, and I really don't want to leave. We had beautiful weather again today and its just been really nice and easy.
Yesterday we had class and visited the history of intruments museum and saw tons of really old musical instruments. It was interesting to see how they progressed throughout the years. We visited the University of Edinburgh and saw a little of the campus. It is really old but they've done a lot to modernize it. I think it was established in like 1538 or something.
We originally planned to climb Arthur's Seat which is a really big hill that looks over the entire city, but by the time we were done with class stuff we were too tired and not excited about the climb so we chose to go to the Princes Street Gardens and nap in the park. It is really neat actually that on pretty days people are always picnicing the napping, reading, ect. in the parks all over the city. Heather had bought a copy of Peter Pan so she read to Lori and I while we napped. It was great, the sun was shining and there isn't much wind there because it is kind of a valley and when I opened my eyes, which was rarely, I could look up at Edinburgh Castle! It was great. We had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe and then came back out to the University to change and grabbed Megan and Park and went back to town for our one visit to a Pub while we were in Scotland. We went to Deacon Brodie's Tavern, which is a really popular pub in the guide books, but was actually one of the nicest and calmest we could find. Most of the others were completely packed. The bartender was Scottish but is studying Business Administration in Florida. We didn't stay long, and took a cab back and were in bed by 1:000.... crazy parties I tell you!!!
Today was a little class then Heather and I took of to do some last minute things. We had at the very last moment decided that we were going to take the train out to Sterling, but first we needed to find the neighborhood her granddad lived in while serving here in WWII. So after waiting for what seemed like forever for a bus that never showed up we ended up walking down to Clarinda's for lunch, because it is our absolute favorite little tea shop. We've been there 3 times and we just had to go back. By the time we made it to where we were going and bought some other last minute souvinier stuff (I know we've been doing 'last minute souviniers' for days!!) It was too late to make it back to the train station and out to Stirling in time to actually see the Castle and make it back in, so we relaxed a little and strolled through town some.
The UK in general is trying to do more in the 'go green' campaign, especially before the Olympics in London in 2012, so they have the little two person 'chariots' that are pulled by bicycles. I've refused for weeks to make one of the take us anywhere.... they are horrible little bikes and the entire city is uphill basically, but heather finally talked me in to it... The poor guy, he was really funny about the whole thing, but I felt horrible for him.
We finally found where her grandad lived, and it was in a part of town we hadn't explored yet, so we just looked around for a little while and found a neat little pub to eat supper in. It was really old and the entire bar and walls were hand carved Mahogany. It was great, the food was laking, much like the rest of the country, but the atmosphere was great. We were fighting the need to go to the dorm and pack. I think we've come up with atleast 30 senarios on how we can just stay here, but they all end with the problem of getting jobs. The little tea place where we go all the time is really tiny and they ask you to share tables, so there were 2 of us at a tabl efor 4 so another couple came and sat down with us. The woman finally interrupted us and asked if we were troubled about going home because we sounded as if we were making excuses not to, which in fact we were. They got a good laugh from the conversation. They were a really sweet Irish couple on their 5th trip to Edinburgh, which isn't very far for them in reality. We have finally come back to the dorms and messed around just long enough that i'll be up until 3:00 trying to pack everything. Its 10:30 and I havne't started, which is not completely my fault. We were sitting in the computer lab and heard some noise going on downstairs outside (Its all open windows, no air conditioning) so we went to check out the commotion and it was a group of electricians (They are having a big energy seminar or something) Running around downstairs in their blue hard hats, bright yellow construction vests, their boots and boxers. It was absolutely hilarious when they realized we could see them. We aren't exactly sure where they've gone but we haven't heard them come back to the building yet.
I have had a really really great couple of days. The weather has been amazing and we've had a lot of fun just roaming the city and getting off of the Royal Mile for a little while. I would just really like to stay here and forget about going to London! haha We do have a busy week planned there though so I'm going to be REALLY exhausted when I get back!!!
Tlak to you soon!! - Kait

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday and Tuesday

Sorry I didn't make it to my blog yesterday, I didn't get much of anything done honestly. We had class until 3:30, which means it was almost 5:00 before we made it anywhere else. We've seen buses that say "Oceanview Terminal" and we've wanted to take it to go see the ocean, well come to find out "ocean view" is actually the name of a mall out on a bay. The Brittania, which I believe is the Royal Yacht is docked there. It wasn't nearly as exciting as we hoped, but it was something different that the same thing we've seen every other day.
Today after class we went in to town to get some last minute souvinier shopping done. The others are planning on shipping some things home, but I think I will just check both of my bags (I brought a small rolling suitcase as a carry on) and possibly buy a little duffel to carry on with me. That seems a lot cheaper than the almost 100 pounds or 165 dollars it would take to ship something home. Some stores will ship things for you, but i don't have anything I am concerned about getting home. It might get a little heavy, but I think i'll be alright. Heather had a LONG list of things she needed to buy, but she knew exactly where they were so that made it alot easier.
I bought my own pair of 'hammer pants' today. Clay says they aren't 'hammer' pants, they are more Bollywood... or indian ish. They actually are quite versitile, and very comfortable. Mrs. Scott refuses to allow us to wear them on the plane though... I just don't understand!!! haha
Other that that, we got home a little later than usual and I wanted to get my homework done so I can finish the next one tomorrow night, and the last one on the train ride back to London. Procrastination is a gift I tell you! and ineality I'm not even procrastinating that much, its just put me behind on blogging and e-mails, ect.
We are at 9 days away from being back in Texas.. the month has flown by already. London will be busy busy while we are there. The money the school sent with Dr. Scott is holding out well so it looks like he will be able to buy us tickets to 2 'broadway' performances. I want to see Phantom of the Opera and Possibly Lion King, but maybe Wicked instead....It is supposed to be the Wizard of Oz from the wicked witches point of view. Either way it is going to be fun and BUSY. I'm going to be sooooo tired when make it back. I'm threatening to call my massuse to make an appointment for Friday morning. I think momma thinks I'm kidding.. but Im not. These beds are horrible.... probably not any worse than my dorm room bed from the first year in college... but its bad. Between the bed and cold weather I stay tied up in knots.
The weather was interesting today. It was almost hot.. I know can you imagine. Of course I was wearing my hoodie, but if I took it off I would have been cold. It just kind of 'spit' most of the afternoon but never really rained. Praying for clear skies for just a couple more days.. We are trying to send it to Texas I promise.
Have a good couple of days. I'm sure i'll be blogging soon!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Busy Fun Amazing weekend!

I hope you have plenty of time to read this because it is probably going to be a long message!
Ok, Sat. We woke up at 6:00am to make it to the tourist station at 7:45 to leave for the tour to the Highlands. I won't lie, I slept through a few miles of the begining of the trip. The Scottish lowlands really do just look like the Texas Hill country. I know that isn't what you want to hear, but it is the truth. They are plowed up in fields that resemble potatoes and wheat and are seperated by hedges or low fences. Give me a break, it was like 8:00am! lol
We stopped in a little town, which I could never say or spell the name of. Pitlochry is something like it. There have been tourists coming here since Queen Victoria started visiting hundreds of years ago, and that is the complete reason for the town to be there. There is a nice little creek that runs through town, like most of the little towns in the Highlands.
We drove a little further while he told stories about Mary Queen of Scots and answered some questions. Then we stopped at the Laggan Dam, which there are pictures of on the newest slideshow. We took a few pictures and jumped back on the bus. It was a 'luxury mini bus' that held about 36 people, half of which didn't speak a word of English I don't think, and as we've learned with people from Europe especially eastern europe (Asian/Muslim countries, russia, ect.) They dont shower regularly and don't know how to use deodorant!!! It was definately a little distracting, kind of like the 2 spanish children that were basically screaming through the entire trip. It kind of made it entertaining for us though, because we were some of the only ones that could not only understand english, but could somewhat understand his accent enough to understand his stories and jokes.
Next stop was FT. Augustus which is based beside Loch Ness. We bought sandwiches and walked down to the shore to eat. There was a family with two little boys having a picnic and the boys were running around in the water and were very entertaining. The oldest one was eating watermelon and chasing his little brother around trying to spit seeds at him, and when the little one got far enough away he'd turn around and taunt his brother with "nanny nanny boo boo" It was hilarious, and the next thing we knew big brother had caught a fish with his hands! Just a little fish, minnow size or so, but he had caught him with his hands!! It was a amazing. I hopped across some rocks so my picture could get taken while I was 'in' Loch Ness. I would have waded in but I was wearing tights and didn't want to get them wet. The water near the shore was actually really warm. We didn't see Nessie but the locals really seem to believe she is there.
We then headed off to Ft. Williams where they were having their 'highland games' which I described is a very ancient version of olympic throwing events. They throw hammers, and heavy shot put type balls and Cabers which are big sticks that look like telephone polls that they hold vertically and run with and try to throw up and far enough that it flips end-over-end. Well, we stopped there for an hour and while we are walking around looking at exhibitions we hear an announcement looking for people from North America to make up a North American tug-of-war team. Yes, I talked Heather in to it. We waited a little while longer and he called again looking for some people and some guy walked by telling us we should go, so we did. Come to find out we were joining a family from Canada. Mom, teenage son, teenage daughter, and Dad. We grabbed Lori and another Canadian girl walked up. So we had 6 women and 2 guys. We thought it was no big deal, because they were having a hard time even getting another team together to compete against us. Well time comes for the tug-of-war and we all go merrily to our places and suddenly there are like 6 teams! We were stuck against a group of locals that just slaughtered us on the first pull and we held our own a little better the second time around but we were murdered again. It was hilarious. The guys were HUGE! The whole time Dr. Scotts wife just sat in the stands shaking her head like she couldn't believe that we did it. (We bought t-shirts when we were done) lol I have to steal the pictures from Heather but I don't have a jump drive with me to get them from Facebook yet. The mom told us we had made her 'holiday' by joining with them and we even heard them say 'aye' a couple times! We had a great time there then it was off for a drive through the hills.
We saw a lot of pretty country and stopped at a valley crossing known as Glen Coe and the Valley of Sorrows which has a really dark past as the location of one of the largest massacres and the only recorded breach of 'highland hospitality' that has ever happened. I don't remember the details exactly on which King of England ect. that was involved but basically he wanted all of the Clan leaders to plead allegiance to him by New Years and the leader of the Macdonald clan made it to town on time but no one was there and so he went on to another town to do his allegiance and it wasn't 'on time' and the King didn't realize that he had done it later, ect. So he sent men from the Campbell clan there and they stayed with the families and lived with there recieving "highland hospitality... what you want you get" for 10 days and the next morning their leader told them to kill everyone so they turned on the Macdonald clan and killed 179 people and only 40 managed to get away. There were a few really horrible stories included with the escape. The land is beautiful in the area but you can, maybe it was just the story, but you can kind of just feel a quietness about the area. There are a few pictures of this place as well.
There is a trail that leads from Glascow 97 miles through the Highlands (a walking trail) and he told us how in Scotland there are no tresspassing laws. As long as you stay 50meters away from a residence and you don't distrub a farmers animals or crops you are allowed to wander the hills anywhere you choose. This is why Elizabeth is called the Queen of England and Elizabeth Queen of The Scots because the land belongs to the people, she only has control of the people, unlike her control in England where basically everything belongs to her.
After Glen Coe we traveled back down to the lowlands and near Stirling and he cleared up a lot of myths about the movie we've all seen, Braveheart, and the fact that there is no recording that Robert the Bruce ever even met William Wallace and that the 'blue faces' happened alost 1200 years before the battles at Stirling Castle. The whole time he was trying to tell the story though, the microphone kept going out. He was a great story teller and every time he got to the perfect part of the story the mic would cut out, then he would bang on it for a little while and then he woudl start over and the mic would cut out. It was really getting funny after a little while but then it was annoying beause he couldn't finish his stories and at one point he had been banging on the mic with a screwdriver and we passed a sign that said "Frustration Causes Accidents" and everyone laughed histarically. They have signs up like that all over in different places, another one says "Tiredness causes accidents" but the timing and placement for that one was just perfect and we got a great laugh out of it. Steve was a great sport and was just as funny as tour guides are supposed to be. He told us how kilts originated in the Highlands.. which is kind of disgusting actually, but he never told us how kilts became the classic that they are now.
I'm going to keep going, even though it is pretty long already but I have another day to talk about. The original kilts were made out of a really really heavy greyish wool material that they would lay out on the groud and take heather flowers and leaves and sticks and crunch them up and sprinkle them on the fabric and urinate on the fabric causing the dyes in the sticks and stuff to stain the fabric. They would then slather it with animal fat to 'waterproof it' It was the first basic 'camo' design. Then they would fold part of it up in flaps or pleats and wrap that section around their midsection, but high around their chest and the non pleated part was wrapped over the shoulder and pinned in place to wher it could be unwrapped and used as rain cover or a blanket while they were out with the 'hairy coo' which is their version of the Texas Longhorn. I told you it was kind of disgusting.
We made it back to Edinburgh about 8:00pm, 12 hours and almost 600km later. We got there as they were having a clan parade up the royal mile. It was absolutely ridiculous. People were packed 8 and 10 deep on the sidewalk and then they stopped the whole parade to let buses by, so we gave up and went back to the dorms. It had been sunny and warm all day... imagine that, we head north with layers of clothes expecting it to be wet and cold and there isn't a cloud in sight!
Today we slept in a little and had breakfast at 9:00 and headed down to Hollyrood to "The Gathering, Homecoming 2009" We started the day watching the Red Hot Chilli Pipers.... yes PIPERS. It was AWESOME!!! They are basically a rock band with bagpipes. I know it sounds really strange but it was really really awesome. At one point the lead guitarist and one of the pipers were playing side by side, same melody ect. and you couldn't seperate the two sounds. It was perfectly matched and in tune and just absolutely amazing. They even had a little Jazz trio, a trumpet, saxaphone, and trombone that came out and played. is the link to the YouTube video. I don't if know it will work for you guys but it is really cool.
The rest of the day we walked around looking at exhibitions and went to the Clan Village to find Dr. Scott's family clan. We ended up meeting a couple families from texas, one of which had a grandson that plays in the band at ASU! How crazy and small is this world?
We went to the whisky tasting tent and paid about $8.00 and got a whisky tasting glass and tickets to try 3 different whiskys. I'm not much of a whisky drinker I learned. They just give you a fraction of a little glass, all 3 samples don't even equal out to a full 1 ounce shot. The first one wasn't bad but the last 2 were just not right for me. Funny thing is that the one we tried was the one our bus driver told us to try and it is the one we, Heather, Dr. Scott, and I, liked the most. The scotsman knows best I guess.
It was a really good weekend. Todays weather was nice, it sprinkled on us a little, and the rain last night had the grounds really messy and mucky, but it was overall a good day. We finished up the day stopping at a grocery store to get some little things, bottled water, ect. Now we are back and i've spent a lot of time typing this blog and answering e-mails and talking to friends.
I hope I haven't left too much out. Momma wanted to know what was so funny the other night. We've discovered that the M C Hammer parachute pants are back in fashion over here.. No but really, and they are even worse than they were the first time aruond because they are made to look like bohemian hippie pants. Heather had found a pair for like $6 at this store and she HAD to buy them and they are absolutely the most hideous thing you've ever seen! They are basically a long floor leng skirt sewn together with leg holes left open, but with a lot of extra material. She pulled them up to her chest, like a strapless dress, and the legs were like capris, and I swear to you a 9 month pregnant woman could wear it and the material wouldn't stretch over her belly. They were this hideous pea green color so we were talking about all the fantasttic halloween costumes she could make out of these hideous pants. You probably had to be here to get the humor of the moment, but they are absolutely hilarious.
Hmm, well i think that just about covers the basics for the weekend. Hopefully it has been entertaining and a little educational! I know my creative writing skills aren't quite what they were last year and i'm not painting pictures as well, but I hope that you can find some humor in my moments.
This was my last weekend in Scotland, thats kind of saddennign to think about but next weekend is in London and then it is home to the real world and school again, but this time I'll be working on a whole new degree!
Have a great week! Talk to you soon- Kait

Friday, July 24, 2009


Today was a pretty simple day. I had planned to 'take off' for the day and be lazy while doing some homework since we have a busy weekend planned, and it was definately a more relaxed day than usual. We took a test this morning then I went back to my room with some snacks for lunch with the plans of napping and doing homework through the afternoon. I never fell asleep and I finshed my homework quickly so I decided to go in to town on my own to finish some souvinier shopping without worrying about people waiting on me. Aaron already gave me the 'don't go in to town alone' lecture but it was the same bus route I've been taking for 2 weeks and it was 3 in the afternoon and I wasn't going anywhere I hadn't been before!
It turns out while I was shopping that I ran in to the women I've been hanging out with this whole time anyway. They had tried to go to Hollyrood palace (where the royal family stays while in Scotland) but someone important is staying there right now so there are no visitors allowed, so my afternoon alone resting was worth it.
I got the shopping done that I wanted to, my homework is done, and I'm back in time to get to bed early enough to be ready to leave at 6:30am. I am NOT excited about getting up that early but maybe the skies will be nicer tomorrow.
When I headed in to town, the skies looked relatively decent and after I had alreayd weaved my way down the stair case and through the dorms (because we are reluctant to use the elevator) I realized my umbrella was still up in my room. Being lazy I just figured it would stay dry, well of course as soon as I got down town it was a pouring rainfall. I with a few other poor umbrellaless souls were plastering ourselves against a building that had a slight awning because it kept the large rain drops from hitting us, I was still getting wet, but it could have been worse. We just happened to get trapped on the side of a building with no entrances, across the street from a sidewalk that has a terrible slope, so there is a railing all the way down it. We stood there for a good 15 min. before the rain let up enough to run down the street far enough to get around the railing and get in a building. It was just soooo much fun. I'm still trying to figure out how I could have on cowboy boots, half way up my calf and my calves STILL be wet and cold. That is really irritating! Everyone still swears this weather is really strange for Edinburgh.
OH yeah did I mention that the 'bin men' their trash guys are on strike? Yeah so in a lot of places there is trash just piled up. They've done a good job of keeping it off of the Royal Mile because the Queen was in town speaking to parliament a couple days ago, and then this Homecoming 2009 or "The Gathering" is going on so they are trying to keep things clean this weekend but earlier this week it was disgusting.
Find the number for a good taxidermist because i hope to be bringing Nellie Home with me. Not sure how I'll manage to do that and get her stuffed without killing her since it is illegal but I'll get around those rules somehow! haha Maybe we'll just stuff her and put her next to the elephant Sir Rogers.
It is off to bed now. I probably won't update tomorrow but I'll try to fit in everything this weekend after our busy day Sunday!
Have a great weekend. Try to stay cool and eat some Mexican food for me!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


This morning was class as usual and then we went in to town for a new art exibit that opened featuring Spanish based art. Most of it was done by English or Scottish artists that traveled to Spain at one point or another and did works pertaining to their time there. It was interesting to see the time span that was showcased from the early 1500s to current modern artists.
This afternoon we finally made it to Mary King's Close. It was interesting and different but nothing I'd do again neccessarily. We learned alot about the plague and that time period. It is all houses that were cut off and used as the foundation for the "Royal Exchange building". So you can actually look up while on the main 'street' and see the floorboards of the building above you. It makes you wonder what else is under buildings in this city. The area was at one time a really affluent neighborhood but over time it was run down and the rich moved to a new area and all that was left there were the really poor, which is why the area is so connected to the plague. We also saw the location of the first flushing toilet in Edinburgh while down there, lol. Well where it was located, not so much the actual toilet.
Now we are back at the school to study for the 2nd midterm and work on projects.
We had cloud cover all day but it didn't rain on us until we made it back to the school. The clouds look really interesting today though. There are several layers, some setteling in to fog, some farther in the distance and the sun is bouncing off of them.
We are down to 1 week left here in Edinburgh! Time is flying by, I think i've already said that. Now it is time study and work on homework.
Have a Friday!