Thursday, July 23, 2009


This morning was class as usual and then we went in to town for a new art exibit that opened featuring Spanish based art. Most of it was done by English or Scottish artists that traveled to Spain at one point or another and did works pertaining to their time there. It was interesting to see the time span that was showcased from the early 1500s to current modern artists.
This afternoon we finally made it to Mary King's Close. It was interesting and different but nothing I'd do again neccessarily. We learned alot about the plague and that time period. It is all houses that were cut off and used as the foundation for the "Royal Exchange building". So you can actually look up while on the main 'street' and see the floorboards of the building above you. It makes you wonder what else is under buildings in this city. The area was at one time a really affluent neighborhood but over time it was run down and the rich moved to a new area and all that was left there were the really poor, which is why the area is so connected to the plague. We also saw the location of the first flushing toilet in Edinburgh while down there, lol. Well where it was located, not so much the actual toilet.
Now we are back at the school to study for the 2nd midterm and work on projects.
We had cloud cover all day but it didn't rain on us until we made it back to the school. The clouds look really interesting today though. There are several layers, some setteling in to fog, some farther in the distance and the sun is bouncing off of them.
We are down to 1 week left here in Edinburgh! Time is flying by, I think i've already said that. Now it is time study and work on homework.
Have a Friday!

1 comment:

  1. We're all set to have a good weekend, just not at Loch Ness. Take pictures... and be in some of them. Have fun.mama
