Friday, July 24, 2009


Today was a pretty simple day. I had planned to 'take off' for the day and be lazy while doing some homework since we have a busy weekend planned, and it was definately a more relaxed day than usual. We took a test this morning then I went back to my room with some snacks for lunch with the plans of napping and doing homework through the afternoon. I never fell asleep and I finshed my homework quickly so I decided to go in to town on my own to finish some souvinier shopping without worrying about people waiting on me. Aaron already gave me the 'don't go in to town alone' lecture but it was the same bus route I've been taking for 2 weeks and it was 3 in the afternoon and I wasn't going anywhere I hadn't been before!
It turns out while I was shopping that I ran in to the women I've been hanging out with this whole time anyway. They had tried to go to Hollyrood palace (where the royal family stays while in Scotland) but someone important is staying there right now so there are no visitors allowed, so my afternoon alone resting was worth it.
I got the shopping done that I wanted to, my homework is done, and I'm back in time to get to bed early enough to be ready to leave at 6:30am. I am NOT excited about getting up that early but maybe the skies will be nicer tomorrow.
When I headed in to town, the skies looked relatively decent and after I had alreayd weaved my way down the stair case and through the dorms (because we are reluctant to use the elevator) I realized my umbrella was still up in my room. Being lazy I just figured it would stay dry, well of course as soon as I got down town it was a pouring rainfall. I with a few other poor umbrellaless souls were plastering ourselves against a building that had a slight awning because it kept the large rain drops from hitting us, I was still getting wet, but it could have been worse. We just happened to get trapped on the side of a building with no entrances, across the street from a sidewalk that has a terrible slope, so there is a railing all the way down it. We stood there for a good 15 min. before the rain let up enough to run down the street far enough to get around the railing and get in a building. It was just soooo much fun. I'm still trying to figure out how I could have on cowboy boots, half way up my calf and my calves STILL be wet and cold. That is really irritating! Everyone still swears this weather is really strange for Edinburgh.
OH yeah did I mention that the 'bin men' their trash guys are on strike? Yeah so in a lot of places there is trash just piled up. They've done a good job of keeping it off of the Royal Mile because the Queen was in town speaking to parliament a couple days ago, and then this Homecoming 2009 or "The Gathering" is going on so they are trying to keep things clean this weekend but earlier this week it was disgusting.
Find the number for a good taxidermist because i hope to be bringing Nellie Home with me. Not sure how I'll manage to do that and get her stuffed without killing her since it is illegal but I'll get around those rules somehow! haha Maybe we'll just stuff her and put her next to the elephant Sir Rogers.
It is off to bed now. I probably won't update tomorrow but I'll try to fit in everything this weekend after our busy day Sunday!
Have a great weekend. Try to stay cool and eat some Mexican food for me!


  1. What was the surprise that was so funny? Have a good day at LochNess. We've been rabbit hunting and are exhausted. 13 + Russell, so far.. Pictures!

  2. Always glad for the updates. Stay safe. (and i'm with Aaron - don't go to town by yourself!!!)

    Momma Lissa
