Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Finally in London

The plane finally landed in London about 4:30am Tx time (10:30am London time) but we still didn't make it to the hotel until almost 2. Yes it took 4 hours to get all 20 people through customs and through the airport to the metro/subway station where we had to ride, almost over an hour to get to the University. We were exhausted just when the planed landed, 9.5 hours later, then we had the privaledge of lugging out luggage everywhere.
I don't really have much to say today, I'm really really exhausted. I'm supposed to try to stay up as late as possible to get over jet lag and get my internal clock set with United Kingdom time.

First impression: Old. Not old, like grungy falling down and scary old like Russia, but old with history and character. I am so much more relaxed than last year. I just can't help but compare everything to my experience in Russia nd this is going to be SO much easier. I CAN READ THE SUBWAY MAP ALL BY MYSELF!!!! The street signs are more or less in my own language, and the people are somewhat friendly.
Again, this year we are staying in a dorm, and so the area we are in has obviously flurished from the constant student and tourist traffic. It is set up to perfecty cater the needs of most, including battery powered Alarm clocks that mama and I mangaged to forget during the long list making!lol

ok thats all I can handle. I have administrative type stuff Ineed to get done then it is BED TIME!!!... Lunch for you... 7ish for me (6 hour difference)

Talk to you soon- Kaitlyn

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it safely. International travel sounds exhausting, not for the weak. eh? What did ya'll find to eat? And what was the cost? Doesn't matter, just curious. Find any shake and bake t-bones, yet? BS HF LY.
