Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th, 3 days to go

I've had a great weekend. I took off work the last week before I left and since it was a holiday Aaron had Friday off so we've been able to finally spend some time together before I head out. Packing is goign slow, but Debbie will be here on Monday and will want to re-pack everything so I think I'm safe ;)
I know there are some issues with the commenting. Everybody's computer is different, especially security settings, so if you are getting warning messages and don't want to mess with commenting me here I'll also be checking my e-mail and feel free to message me there.
You should be able to comment to my posts by
clicking the link (comments (#)) beside the pencil in the bottom right corner of the blog posting.
In the 'Comment as' drop down menu choose "Anonymous" Make sure you leave your name for me in your message so I know who's answering me! haha
I think you can also click the "by Name or URL" in the drop down and just put your name in the box and igore the "URL" part and should work.
I hope that wasn't too confusing.

Have a great 4th!!!!


  1. Debbie and I wish you good luck and a safe trip to Scotland, afterall it's only a few miles over by Winthorst right. Just joking. Anyway, we will be reading your blog and expecting a daily account of your adventures, trials and tribulations. Have fun and be safe. R&D

  2. Hope you remember to pack your shaving gel this time! lol, Tell debra to take out the clothes and put herself in the suitcase....i know she would just love to do that....ha, well can't wait to hear about ur adventures and remember, don't be galavanting out and about by yourself! everyone like pretty blondes! and u can't trust ANYONE! DO YOU HEAR ME? Take care and have a blast!
    Momma Rachel
