Monday, June 29, 2009

8 days and counting

My first message before I leave. I've finally realized that it is coming and there isn't much I can do about it now. I'm nervous, of course, but I'm finally getting excited.
I just read some of my blog posts from Russia last year. I want to apologize again for the horrible typos and gramatical errors. I'm trying to convince myself that it is really was the lack of technology and messed up keyboards, and the time crunch I was on each time I got connected to the internet. I'll do better, I hope, this time around.
Again, I'm not sure what my internet options will be when I get there. We are landing in London for a couple of days. We will be in dorm rooms for those couple of days, and then we take a train to Edinburgh where we will be staying at the Heriot-Watt University in dorms. HWU is supposed to be a very techonological university and there is a possibility for internet in my dorm room, and thanks to Erik, Hallie, Mom and Dad I have a mini-laptop I'll be carrying with me this year. Even if I'm not able to get internet in my room, we will have access to a computer lab on campus and many internet cafes.
Enough rambling already. 8 Days an counting


  1. You should be able to comment to my posts by
    clicking the link (comments (#)) beside the pencil in the bottom right corner of the blog posting.
    In the 'Comment as' drop down menu choose "Anonymous" Make sure you leave your name for me in your message so I know who's answering me! haha
    I hope that wasn't too confusing.

  2. Will see you on the 7th. wish we were going.

  3. I hope this reaches you. I enjoyed following your blog last year and certainly plan to try again this time. Take care and God's speed on your travels.

    Love ya,
    Aunt Nancy
